06/28/1: Today is the inaugural day that I begin yet another subject of study: Java programming. I've just created my first java program called Saluton. It displays Saluton mondo which means hello world; a nice take on the age old program "hello world".
What's interesting is that the way I'm making these programs isn't through Eclipse or Jbuild but through a text editor the javac program and the interpreter java. Perhaps later on when I learn to do more complex programs, I will need those development tools.
07/1/11: Today I learned how to implement arguments into a Java as well as learning about number variables and strings. I've learned how to manipulate the number variables into an mathematical expression and I've also learned how to use strings variables to make messages on in the program.
07/5/11: Today I began learning comparison arguments using the if, then, else statements. I haven't delved too far into it but seems logical enough.
07/25/11: (I kept on going back and forth between various hobbies so I was learning it but only here and there) Today I finished what I started 20 days ago and I actually understand how to use both if, then, else statements along with switch statements. My only problem is learning how to utilize them in my programs...only experience will teach me that! I also made a program that displays the computer's system time while giving you a greeting. It was fun after I got some of the bugs out, cool concept...! Next is using loops....
7/26/11: Today I learned how to use three different loops for, while and do. For is probably the most powerful and efficient one since you declare your variables in a method; the loop checks what has happened before it goes back into the loop, pretty cool! While you have to declare all the variables before you run the loop, it's different than the for loop. Do is the exact opposite of for. What do does is run the loop first than checks the arguments in the method and reinializes the loop (so you will always start with one loop before).
7/27/11: Today I learned about Arrays. This wasn't too bad once I got behind the concept that it's a storage place for predefined variables, either numeral or String. The problem is that variables can't be added or taken away in an array so you really have to think how to use them.
7/28/11: Today is the big day I learned how to use Objects. I learned how the hierarchy works (superclass and sub-class). I learned how to create an object from the attributes and methods defined in them. I also learned how to utilize the hierarchy system in a program. Next is programming a GUI, fun!
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