Monday, June 20, 2011

My Inaugural Post

This is a new experience for me, an outlet for expression between everyday life and what's going on in the world.  From politics that's happening now to new technology that I've come across, this will be my voice, my opinion, my perception.  Come along and enjoy the ride!!

I start this blog with what everyone is talking about, Anthony Weiner.  I understand why he should resign but it's not like he actually committed adultery!  Compared to some of his colleagues, this is nothing.  The only thing he got out of the situation was some dirty talk and pictures. 

I'm of the "if it didn't happen, who cares" camp; so who really cares about what he does on the Internet so long as he doesn't actually try out what he says.  Now, if was trying to get some then I can see why a lot of people are outraged.  I do have to say that he didn't handle it the way he should have.  All he had to do was say that it's a private matter and I think a lot of people would have been satisfied but no he had to make a circus out of it.

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